Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dr. Kelsey Fancypants and Science

So all you creature things or humans or whatever.  I want to give you a really important math lesson.

Me= [(science+candy) x love - logic + marshmallow]/ worm

It's actually a funny story of how they figured this out it all started when the smartest scientist that ever was said "math, but also dinosaurs", and that was when the magic happened.

Dr. Kelsey Fancypants (known to her closest friends as Kelsface or Rabbitfacemonkeypants), was all like math blah blah blah + science machine worm = maybe something important.

Needless to say she was a leader in her field.

The most important subject to her was the tiniest of the humans and what they were. Dr.  Kelsey Fancypants dedicated her life to the study of Tiny Humans and their habits.  She even went so far as to accidentally live with one and call it her "roommate".  The roommate thing-person was me, a.k.a. the most special and important of all the Tiny Humans.  (mostly because I'm pretty)

Thankfully, Dr. Kelsface did not get distracted by my celebrity status, and evaluated me with an open mind.

She would ask me questions like "why are you eating a pound of gummy worms without breathing?" or "explain to me your obsession with blanket forts" or "why do you choreograph dances when you're eating marshmallows?"

I had never been asked such personal questions before, so I answered as honestly as I could:
-Because worms taste better when they are in gummy form and breathing is just a distraction.
-Blankets forts are awesome and anyone who says otherwise is a squirrel-sympathizing rascist who hates happiness.
-Shweem shweem blarg blarg meeeeeemmm, MARSHMALLOWS..

Dr. Kelsey Fancypants' research in this field is invaluable. I genuinely could not tell you how many times Tiny Humans have tried to analyze their history, mostly because Tiny Humans refuse to learn how to count because candy is better.  And while I don't understand math or science or words, I recognize that my ancestors and I are something that is maybe real but mostly sugar.  That realization is something I could have never come to on my own terms, mostly because of pineapples and how confusing they are.

Empirical data that is necessary to the the idea of "evolution",
Tiny Human

P.S.  Evolution isn't real because I'm tired and that's what I've decided.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Brief Tale of my Life

This is a story about me and my birth, life and whatever else my brain parts have decided you need to know.

I spent almost a full year trapped in a prison before the dragon people decided that I could leave.  (Whatever, just imprison whoever you feel like dragons, it's not like we care...)  Then I was unleashed upon the world.  This mostly included me running shit.  When I was smaller than I am now, I was kind of a boss.  "Oh, I'm sorry did you not want to do what I said?"  Then you get bit.  That's how this is gonna get played.  Then everyone was all like "stop biting me, and calling me a clay-boy.  I'm a regular human thing and blah blah blah".  Whatever most importantly I had to stop being a boss, because biting people seems to stop being an appropriate punishment after 6.

So then there was a time when I was some kind of sub-human.  Regular humans call it "puberty" but I'm pretty sure the mutant form I took during that time does not even have a real name, maybe blurgoblobbymeanface?  That seems to fit better.  Anyway, nothing important happened there.  Unless you include a parallel timeline that had to be destroyed so ours could live, which I don't.

Then I became a grown tiny human, and all the creature people were like "Congrats!! We never thought you'd make it past 15." and "Wow, sometimes your face looks like a worm." and "Today is a special day because it's Friday and TGIF, am I right?"

In summary, pineapples are not apples in the shape of pine trees and I like spiders.  I'm not going to pretend otherwise anymore.  Also I'm just going to say what everyone is thinking, squirrels are disease-ridden meth addicts looking to destroy everything.

Something inspirational,
Tiny Human

Monday, December 10, 2012

Time... explained, finally?

 Hello all you fine-ass creature things,

Thank you for gathering around your internet boxes and letting your eyes interpret all these silly squiggles as fancy "words".  You will never get back this time spent "reading" this but you could get magical unicorn points?!*

It's been a while, I think, I can never be sure.  As some of you may know, tiny humans hibernate, randomly and for different lengths of time.  Some of our greatest tiny human thinkers have tried to solve this strange phenomenon and every time they came to the same conclusion:  cookies are not the same as cookie jars.  I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH. 
I think that is a ground breaking theory but it doesn't get to the heart of what is time and why it's a thing and why people have clocks. 

I personally asked at least 3 different ogres and 1 very sassy goldfish try to explain the concept of time to me.  This is what I got out of it:
  • Time is boring.
  • Clocks = sundials - sun + a tiny baby robot elf?
  • More importantly, triangle.
  • Ogres smell bad (it's a stereotype because it's true)
  • If you don't understand time, a ball of yarn will come to life (or back to life depending on who you speak to) and do your homework
  •  BLAH BLAH who cares.
  • Goldfish get mean when you ask personal questions
Okay so I think we all learned some pretty deep and meaningful things about time and what it is and clocks.

Thank you for opening your eye flaps and using the noodles in your brain to understand the word story my fingers wrote.

Mad love straight to mah golden biddie and all them ogs just trying to do them,
Tiny Human

*I am not and have never been affiliated with magical unicorn points, I can in no way guarantee that by reading this you will get unicorn points, magical or otherwise

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A letter to the Future Robots

Dear Future Robots,

If you're reading this two things have happened:
1) This is the timeline where the humans and robots have entered into a civil war for planet everything
2) I can predict the future, SUCK IT NON-BELIEVERS, I'M A PRODIGY.

Please don't kill me, I'm too small to be a threat.  Also I like wearing silly costumes and talking about dragons (always a plus in a post-apocalyptic empire).

Reasons I'm awesome/to keep me alive:
-I can fit inside most pockets
-My words are amusing
-I've trained at least 58 goldfish how to WORK IT (they are born with a natural sass I just show them what to do with it)
-I can predict the future like a gypsy wizard
-I have at least 3 dinosaur friends that can hang out whenever you feel like traveling back like 300 years when they founded the United States
- Llamas, it's not really an attribute of mine but I do know how to spell it, if that is helpful in any way?
-Pretty sure I can move things with my mind.
-I'm also pretty sure I can move stuff with my body parts (don't quote me on that, I'm really not 100% on either of those claims)
-I take lots of naps which are pretty adorable, could you imagine if you threw in some puppies and panda bears who were also napping with me? I'm just spitting out some ideas here, but that idea is pure gold
-Sometimes when I'm tired I wiggle in place
-Today I ate more cookies than my Big Bird costume (he has an eating disorder)
-I'm really good at friendship (relationships, bracelets, schedules, camel-birds, etc.)
-I'm also #1 brain noodling, top in my class at every single university I made up
-My two favorite colors are every color and robots

I hope you take this list into consideration, you guys are my fav metal people.  By the way Cheryl was lying that dress does make you look fat.  No, it's okay I can say that, some of my closest friends are robots.  Also Cheryl's been sharing oil with your man, if you know what I mean.

Sorry I couldn't get translate this into binary code for you, I just didn't have the time (impending world disaster, blah, blah, blah, you get it)

Tiny Human

Tiny human vocab: Lesson 1

Okay ladies and rabbit monsters, it's time for our first vocabulary lesson. Most of you have already heard these words once or twice before from our Dragon Overlords, but some of my readers are new to this pre-apocalyptic world so here we go:

-babblese: the language of the tiny humans
-bag-time: the time when you really need a bag
-braneri: something that is self-explanatory and makes total sense to everyone except the stupids
-brain noodles: noodles inside your brain that do the thinking for you so you don't have to
-cabaloni: all pasta foods for the eating (not to be confused with Pasta Persons.  I cannot stress enough that you CANNOT eat them, so please stop trying to, Blanche, it's getting really embarrassing)
-dragoon: money for dragons
-eelop: the adorable shrug of a rabbit with long ears when he/she/Lou is being serious
-flabbeljacket: jackets for goldfish so they can be fashionable
-flabberjacket: jackets for dragons so they don't get cold (not be be confused with flabbeljackets they serve completely different purposes)
-garblegarble: what tiny humans use to describe the words other-sized things use to talk to them about anything their tiny brain can't understand
-getdownsies: when you are physically unable to stop yourself from dancing like a lizard
-ICECREAMTRUCKKKKKK: the sound of childhood dreams coming true
-rawrberries: strawberries in the shapes of dinosaurs (don't feed them to dinosaurs they cannot digest them, bless their fickle stomachs)
-rawrp: trail mix for dinosaurs
-schnarf: the sound tiny humans make when they see a beach kid
-squiggle: when goldfish booty drop it to a banging beat
-squirrels: meth-addicted, violent, evil, fur creatures
-Treeseph: like Joseph but for trees, can also be used if you don't know the Tree's name
-updowns: when you stand up too fast and your brain thinks you’re a rabbit
-xaphalones: any and all instruments that make sounds for creature people to hear (not squirrels)
-zucchini: a gross vegetable that people only eat when they're trying to be nice to your face but secretly hate you.

I hope this enlightened and inspired some of you, to the others whom it didn't, burn in hell with the squirrels, I hope you like your crystal meth because it's all they have to eat there.

Dragons, may you stay forever sexy, and warm in your flabberjackets,
Tiny Human

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Michelle, the lima bean

Many of you crazy vegetable-people already know this story, but this blog isn't just for you guys any more, I have to cater to the "humans" too.  I know it's not something I'm proud of but its the humans and the flying babies that pay the bills.  Tiny dinosaur costumes do not come cheap.

So one day, there was a lima bean, Michelle, chilling, getting ready for her first day of robot school.  Then she was all like "I hate lima beans, I hate robots, I don't want to go to school anymore."
There always comes a time in a lima bean's life when they turn their natural and logical hatred toward squirrels against their robot and lima brethren.
But this was something more, Michelle wanted to spread her wings and ride the backs of centipedes into the dinosaur-woodlands.  She didn't ask for a lot just a time-traveling centipede that would be her best friend so he could take her where ever/whenever she wanted.

That day she waited outside of Bicha's School for Insects (back then insects and vegetables were still segregated, it was a difficult time for everyone).  She waited for at least 12 minutes, or 3 and a half hours in lima bean time, for the centipedes to crawl out of their "classroom" so she could force one of them to be her best-friend.
She waited there yelling "Be my best-friend, please, please, please, I wanna hang out with dinosaurs."

Finally one centipede came up to her and said "Hi my name is Ralph, I can't time-travel but I can be your friend"
Michelle replied "No thanks, I'd rather die, than be friends with someone who can't time-travel."  She was all sass nowadays.

Seeing this sassy lima bean, another centipede came over and said "I can time-travel"
Michelle just looked at this new centipede and was all like DAMN look at those legs (only in her brain noodle not out loud, that would have been SO embarrassing). 
Instead she just said "Do you have a name to go with those legs?" (UGH.  She always knows the right thing to say.)
The centipede responded "My name is Wouter, and I agree I also think I am attractive"

That's when it happened.  They became best-friends.  No words, just dinosaurs.

Now Michelle is all grown up, she has her own leather jacket and her and Wouter are still really really good friends fighting the good fight against the squirrels.

Michelle and Wouter, if you're reading this, watch out there's a squirrel murdering a family of happiness behind you.

Beep, beep, shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, shhhhhhhhhhh, beep, beep,
Tiny Dinosaur Human

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Brain of a Tiny Human

I cannot bother with pesky google images, because that involves computer technologies that belong to wizards and me and the wizard community are not on the best of terms right now.
What I can do is give a verbal depiction of what doctor's might believe they can hear from my brain noodles:

Picture of dinosaur
Picture of dinosaur with wings
Unicorn Pegasus
Unicorn Pegasus with scales and fire breath
Gladiator battle between me and a squirrel (I lost, because squirrels are constantly on meth and therefore fear nothing)
Goldfish who tap dance (the normal kind, not the weird French ones... I can never understand them)
Pillow kingdom where tiny humans rule from a comfortable throne of pillows (why rule from a throne made of pencil shavings when you can sit on pillow people?)
Industrial Revolution
Robot Apocalypse of 2053
Camels who turn into people when they're bored
Me as a goldfish who turned into a backpack who turned into a squirrel
Tears because now I'm a squirrel
Relief now that I'm back in backpack-form
Dora the Explorer tries to take me on a trip (because of the whole backpack thing), I get mad, we get into an argument, then we dance to solve our problems, best friends again.
Me riding a Brontosaurus, then laughing at scientists for riding a dinosaur they didn't believe existed
The scientists crown me Queen Brain-Noodle for being so small and knowing more than everyone who ever existed.

This is what happens to the tiny ones when they have too much homework.

I want to throw out a final apology to the wizard community, my bad,  sorry for burning down all your villages? I'm still not 100% sure what I did, but I will say that I am probably really sorry?  Come on, you guys are like my main bitches.

I'm tiny, accept my apology, please.  Also use your wand thing to kill all the squirrels, I hate them and they're evil.

Death to squirrels.  Long live lima beans,
Tiny Dinosaur Human