Saturday, May 12, 2012

Michelle, the lima bean

Many of you crazy vegetable-people already know this story, but this blog isn't just for you guys any more, I have to cater to the "humans" too.  I know it's not something I'm proud of but its the humans and the flying babies that pay the bills.  Tiny dinosaur costumes do not come cheap.

So one day, there was a lima bean, Michelle, chilling, getting ready for her first day of robot school.  Then she was all like "I hate lima beans, I hate robots, I don't want to go to school anymore."
There always comes a time in a lima bean's life when they turn their natural and logical hatred toward squirrels against their robot and lima brethren.
But this was something more, Michelle wanted to spread her wings and ride the backs of centipedes into the dinosaur-woodlands.  She didn't ask for a lot just a time-traveling centipede that would be her best friend so he could take her where ever/whenever she wanted.

That day she waited outside of Bicha's School for Insects (back then insects and vegetables were still segregated, it was a difficult time for everyone).  She waited for at least 12 minutes, or 3 and a half hours in lima bean time, for the centipedes to crawl out of their "classroom" so she could force one of them to be her best-friend.
She waited there yelling "Be my best-friend, please, please, please, I wanna hang out with dinosaurs."

Finally one centipede came up to her and said "Hi my name is Ralph, I can't time-travel but I can be your friend"
Michelle replied "No thanks, I'd rather die, than be friends with someone who can't time-travel."  She was all sass nowadays.

Seeing this sassy lima bean, another centipede came over and said "I can time-travel"
Michelle just looked at this new centipede and was all like DAMN look at those legs (only in her brain noodle not out loud, that would have been SO embarrassing). 
Instead she just said "Do you have a name to go with those legs?" (UGH.  She always knows the right thing to say.)
The centipede responded "My name is Wouter, and I agree I also think I am attractive"

That's when it happened.  They became best-friends.  No words, just dinosaurs.

Now Michelle is all grown up, she has her own leather jacket and her and Wouter are still really really good friends fighting the good fight against the squirrels.

Michelle and Wouter, if you're reading this, watch out there's a squirrel murdering a family of happiness behind you.

Beep, beep, shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, shhhhhhhhhhh, beep, beep,
Tiny Dinosaur Human

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