Friday, December 21, 2012

Brief Tale of my Life

This is a story about me and my birth, life and whatever else my brain parts have decided you need to know.

I spent almost a full year trapped in a prison before the dragon people decided that I could leave.  (Whatever, just imprison whoever you feel like dragons, it's not like we care...)  Then I was unleashed upon the world.  This mostly included me running shit.  When I was smaller than I am now, I was kind of a boss.  "Oh, I'm sorry did you not want to do what I said?"  Then you get bit.  That's how this is gonna get played.  Then everyone was all like "stop biting me, and calling me a clay-boy.  I'm a regular human thing and blah blah blah".  Whatever most importantly I had to stop being a boss, because biting people seems to stop being an appropriate punishment after 6.

So then there was a time when I was some kind of sub-human.  Regular humans call it "puberty" but I'm pretty sure the mutant form I took during that time does not even have a real name, maybe blurgoblobbymeanface?  That seems to fit better.  Anyway, nothing important happened there.  Unless you include a parallel timeline that had to be destroyed so ours could live, which I don't.

Then I became a grown tiny human, and all the creature people were like "Congrats!! We never thought you'd make it past 15." and "Wow, sometimes your face looks like a worm." and "Today is a special day because it's Friday and TGIF, am I right?"

In summary, pineapples are not apples in the shape of pine trees and I like spiders.  I'm not going to pretend otherwise anymore.  Also I'm just going to say what everyone is thinking, squirrels are disease-ridden meth addicts looking to destroy everything.

Something inspirational,
Tiny Human

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